养猫进阶:多不饱和脂肪酸 (PUFA) 的讨论

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什么是 PUFA 及其两大类

多不饱和脂肪酸 (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid, abbrev. PUFA) 是一种必须从食物中获取的必要营养元素,目前可被分为两大类 (由于 omega-9 包含了单不饱和脂肪酸,因此不在本篇讨论范围):

  • Omega-3 (常见摄取途径为海产)
  • Omega-6 (常见摄取途径为动物脂肪及植物油)

所以,omega-3 & 6 的饮食摄取来源可以非常多元,给猫喂食不同种类的肉是保证该类营养元素充足的不错办法(这一点其实也很重要,会在文章后面展开讨论)。


其实有了解过鱼肝油的人应该都知道,omega-3 盛产于海鱼中。在 Adolphe (2016) 中,作者指出对于猫和狗而言最重要的 omega-3 有以下三种:

  1. 亚麻酸 (Alpha-linolenic acid, abbrev. ALA):常见于亚麻油 (flaxseed oil) 及菜籽油 (canola oil) 等植物油中
  2. 廿碳五烯酸 (Eicosapentaenoic acid, abbrev. EPA):常见于鲑鱼 (salmon) 及鲑鱼油 (salmon oil) 等海鱼及其产品中
  3. 廿二碳六烯酸 (Docosahexaenoic acid, abbrev. DHA):常见于鲑鱼 (salmon)、鲑鱼油 (salmon oil) 以及海藻 (algae) 海产及其产品中


ALA is considered an essential fatty acid in dogs and cats (National Research Council [NRC], 2006). Animals can make EPA and DHA from ALA, though the rate of conversion is low. For optimal health, it is typically recommended that dietary sources of all three types of omega-3 fatty acids are consumed. In particular, DHA is important for brain and immune system development as well as eye (retinal) function in young, growing animals, including kittens and puppies (Zicker, Jewell, Milgram, & Yamka, 2012).

ALA 被认为是猫狗所必需的脂肪酸。虽然动物可以自行通过 ALA 产生 EPA 和 DHA,但其转化率很低。为了最理想的健康,通常建议给它们喂食含有所有三种类型的 omega-3 脂肪酸的食物。特别需要注意的是,DHA 对于大脑和免疫系统的发育以及年轻的正在生长的动物(包括小猫和小狗)的眼睛(视网膜)功能发育非常重要。

所以,ALA、EPA 和 DHA 是猫主要所需的三大 omega-3 脂肪酸。动物可以勉强通过转化 ALA 以产生 EPA 和 DHA,但相比于身体所需是远远不够的。


对于 omega-6 族群,本文章需要强调以下两种:

  1. 亚油酸 (Linoleic acid, abbrev. LA):多见于各类植物油中
  2. 花生四烯酸 (Arachidonic acid, abbrev. AA or ARA):广泛分布于动物组织及其脂肪中

而文章作者在 Adolphe (2016) 中有特别提到,猫相比于其它动物而言更需要 omega-6 脂肪酸,同时也指出了其对动物毛发健康的重要作用:

Linoleic acid is an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is considered to be the most important essential fatty acid for dogs and cats (NRC, 2006). It plays a critical role in skin health by maintaining the outermost water barrier of the skin. In addition, many other important molecules in the body are made from linoleic acid. It is found in most plant and animal fats and oils, including chicken fat and canola oil. Cats also require an additional omega-6 fatty acid, arachidonic acid, because unlike other animals they cannot make adequate amounts from linoleic acid. Fats from animals and fish, such as chicken, lamb, and salmon, are the richest dietary sources of arachidonic acid.

亚油酸 (LA) 是一种 omega-6 多不饱和脂肪酸,同时也被认为是对于猫狗而言最重要的必需脂肪酸。通过保持皮肤最外层的水屏障,它在猫狗的皮肤健康中发挥着关键作用。此外,猫狗体内其它的许多重要分子都是由亚油酸制成的。 它存在于大多数植物和动物脂肪和油中,包括鸡的脂肪以及菜籽油。猫也需要一种额外的 omega-6 脂肪酸,花生四烯酸 (AA or ARA),因为猫与其他动物不同,它们不能从亚油酸中转化出足够的花生四烯酸。来自动物和鱼类的脂肪,如鸡肉,羊肉和鲑鱼,是花生四烯酸最丰富的膳食来源。



目前在网络上的中文社区少有科学地分析(须包括权威文献/学者观点的引用)omega-3 及 omega-6 的摄入比例这一问题。实际上,根据 Adolphe (2016),二者的摄入比例失衡在长期而言会对猫狗的健康造成负面影响:

Including both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in your pet’s diet is important because these fatty acids are metabolized in the body into substances that affect inflammation. Omega-3s are considered less inflammatory than omega-6s. Too much dietary omega-6 and not enough omega-3 could contribute to a chronic state of low-grade inflammation that is associated with certain diseases such as obesity, cancer and diabetes.

宠物饮食中的 omega-3 和 omega-6 脂肪酸非常重要,因为这些脂肪酸会在体内代谢成为影响炎症的物质。Omega-3 脂肪酸被认为比 omega-6 脂肪酸而言对炎症的影响更少。摄入过多的 omega-6 同时又缺乏 omega-3 可能会导致如肥胖,癌症和糖尿病相关的疾病,或引致慢性低度炎症状态。

那么,市面上的猫粮对于 omega-3 & 6 的比例控制如何呢?Backus, Thomas, and Fritsche (2013) 给出了一个总体的结论:

The fatty acid content of commercial extruded feline diets differed from the inferred content of natural feral cat diets, in which dietary n-3 and possibly n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids were more abundant. The impact of this difference on the health of pet cats is not known.

商业猫粮产品的脂肪酸含量不同于自然中野猫饮食的含量,商业猫粮中的 omega-3 (可能也包括 omega-6)多不饱和脂肪酸更丰富。这种差异对宠物猫健康的影响尚不清楚。

但这点信息远远不够:难道我们分别赘述了不同的 omega-3 & 6 的种类,最后所知道的却只是摄取来源的不同而已?它们的摄入比例均衡是否重要?宠物食品行业是否意识到并做出行动以让消费者明白这一点?

当然重要,但同时也很遗憾,很多厂商们目前非但没有告知消费者,反而是以模凌两可的态度来展示其产品所含 omega-3 & 6 的比例——这样的标示其实根本无法展示足够的信息。以下摘自 Lenox and Bauer (2013) 的研究总结:

Dietary excess or deficiency of LA versus ALA may influence conversion rates to downstream products. Dietary amounts of omega-6 versus omega-3 fatty acids are frequently expressed as a dietary n-6:n-3 ratio in addition to absolute amounts for this reason. However, ALA is not equivalent to EPA and DHA and the total n-6:n-3 ratio by itself does not accurately describe the fatty acid composition of the diet. A product with a high total omega-3 fatty acid concentration could contain high concentrations of ALA, high concentrations of EPA and DHA, or a combination of these fatty acids. Because diets with ALA have different effects when compared with diets enriched in EPA and DHA, the type of omega-3 fatty acids is crucial information and the lack of distinction between these fatty acids may contribute to the equivocal nature of results of earlier studies.

LA 与 ALA 的过量或不足可以影响下游物质的转化率。基于这一原因,膳食所含的 omega-6 与 omega-3 脂肪酸通常表示为 n-6:n-3 比例,以及其绝对量。然而,ALA 并不等同于 EPA 和 DHA,并且总体 n-6:n-3 比例本身并不能准确地描述饮食的脂肪酸组成。总体 omega-3 脂肪酸浓度高的产品可以是只含有高浓度的 ALA 或者 EPA、DHA,同时也可以是很多种类的高浓度。因为与富含 EPA 和 DHA 的饮食相比,含有 ALA 的饮食(对动物的健康)有着不同的效果,所以 omega-3 脂肪酸的类型是关键信息,并且对于这些不同种类的脂肪酸若缺少辨别,可能会导致先前的研究模凌两可(因为先前的研究可能未有考虑到不同的脂肪酸种类,而只是区别了 omega 3 & 6,会导致研究缺乏严谨性及其结果缺乏参考性)。

Unfortunately, all drugs, dietary supplements, or nutraceuticals have the potential for adverse effects. Despite the benefits listed above, there are potential risks associated with usage of omega-3 fatty acids. Clinicians should understand the adverse effects that may occur with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, and that potential risks should be assessed in conjunction with the potential benefits... Presently, not enough published data are available to set a safe upper limit for cats.

不幸的是,所有药物、膳食补充剂及营养保健品都有可能产生不良影响。尽管有上述优点,但补充 omega-3 脂肪酸仍有潜在的风险。临床医生应了解 omega-3 脂肪酸补充剂可能产生的不良反应,并应结合潜在的益处评估潜在风险……目前,没有足够的公布数据可以为猫设定脂肪酸摄入的安全上限。

所以说,目前学界对于猫狗摄入不同种类的 omega-3 & 6 的临床研究非常少,使得厂商们在添加营养元素这方面有了漏洞可钻。就像当时猫粮里的蛋白质迷思一样——植物蛋白也是蛋白,可人们还是花了不少时间才明白它对猫而言没什么用处。


作为一个普通的养猫人,我们在这部分能做的其实也简单:每隔一段时间换猫粮,或者说定期换不同的食谱来制作生骨肉/生熟肉(关于生骨肉喂养的疑惑与指南可以参考 的文章),这都可以助力于保证家猫能够充分获取不同种类的 omega-3 & 6 脂肪酸。

不过,在这方面有一点倒是可以肯定的:额外的鱼油补充对于猫狗而言可能会造成不健康的肥胖 (Lenox & Bauer, 2013):

Although weight gain is not a commonly noted adverse effect of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, the calories that oil contains should be a concern. Fat is the most energy dense nutrient when compared with protein or carbohydrate, and each gram of oil contains about 9 kcal. One teaspoon (5 ml) of oil contains about 42 kcal. Weight gain could occur when large dosages of omega-3 fatty acids are recommended, such as for dogs with osteoarthritis or neoplastic disease... In many dogs, especially in obese or obesity-prone dogs, veterinarians must be cautious about the addition of large dosages of omega-3 fatty acids, either in the diet or supplemented in addition to the diet. The calories that are in the oil should be accounted for when developing a nutrition plan for these animals and if a large quantity of omega-3 fatty acids is supplemented in addition to the diet, it may unbalance the pet’s diet.

虽然体重的增加并不是 omega-3 脂肪酸补充剂常见的不良反应,但其油中含有的卡路里应该是一个值得关注的问题。与蛋白质或碳水化合物相比,脂肪是能量密度最高的营养素,每克油含有约9千卡热量。一茶匙(5毫升)含有约42千卡的油。大剂量的 omega-3 脂肪酸补充剂会直接导致体重增加,对于例如患有骨关节炎或肿瘤疾病的狗而言更甚……在许多狗中,尤其是肥胖或具有肥胖倾向的狗,兽医必须谨慎添加大剂量的 omega-3 脂肪酸,无论是在饮食中还是在饮食中补充。在制定这些动物的营养计划时应考虑油中的卡路里,如果除了饮食外还通过鱼油等补充大量的 omega-3 脂肪酸,它可能会使宠物的饮食失去营养平衡。

所以说,与其购买所谓“猫用鱼油”给猫补充 omega-3,倒不如从日常饮食着手改善猫粮的营养均衡,比如不时地给猫喂食含有新鲜鱼产品的猫粮/肉干零食。


PUFA 对于尿路结石形成的疗效

说完了那些不确定的,我们来看看目前可以初步确定的:多不饱和脂肪酸的充分摄入对于猫而言在肾结石这一疾病的治疗有着正面影响 (Hall, Brockman, Davidson, MacLeay, & Jewell, 2017):

After consuming test food, cats had increased (all P<0.001) serum concentrations of EPA (173%), DHA (61%), and AA (35%); decreased urine specific gravity (P = 0.02); decreased urine calcium concentration (P = 0.06); decreased relative-super-saturation for struvite crystals (P = 0.03); and increased resistance to oxalate crystal formation (P = 0.06) compared with cats consuming control food. Oxalate crystal formation was correlated with serum calcium concentration (r = 0.41; P<0.01). These data show benefits for reducing urine stone formation in cats by increasing dietary PUFA.

在食用测试食物后,猫的血清 EPA (173%)、DHA (61%) 和 AA (35%) 浓度皆有所增加 (P < 0.001 );尿比重降低 (P = 0.02);尿钙浓度降低 (P = 0.06);鸟粪石晶体的相对超饱和度下降 (P = 0.03);与食用对照食物的猫相比,对草酸盐晶体形成的抗性增加 (P = 0.06),草酸盐晶体形成与血清钙浓度存在相关性 (r = 0.41; P < 0.01)。这些数据表明,通过增加膳食 PUFA 的含量可减少猫尿结石的形成。


For one week before study initiation, all cats consumed control food that con- tained 0.07% arachidonic acid (AA), but no eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Group 1 continued eating control food for 56 days. Group 2 was fed test food for 56 days, which was control food plus fish oil and high-AA oil. Test food contained 0.17% AA, 0.09% EPA and 0.18% DHA. After 56 days, cats were fed the opposite food for another 56 days. At baseline and after each feeding period, serum was analyzed for fatty acid concentrations, and urine for specific gravity, calcium concentration, relative-super-saturation for struvite crystals, and a calcium-oxalate-titrimetric test was performed.

在研究开始前一周,所有猫食用含有 0.07% 花生四烯酸 (AA) 的对照饮食,但不含有廿碳五烯酸 (EPA) 及廿二碳六烯酸 (DHA)。第1组继续食用对照食物56天,第2组则继续喂食测试食物(即添加了鱼油和高 AA 含量油的对照饮食)56天。测试饮食中含有 0.17% 的 AA,0.09% 的 EPA 以及 0.18% 的 DHA。 56天后,再给样本喂食相反的食物56天。 在基线(实验初始阶段)和每个喂养期后,分析血清的脂肪酸浓度,并进行尿液的比重、钙浓度、鸟粪石晶体的相对超饱和度,以及草酸钙滴定试验。

考虑到上了年纪的猫更容易患有尿路/肾疾病,因此对于老猫的饮食护理方面应当额外注意 PUFA 的补充。尿路疾病一直困扰着不少家猫,尤其是那些以干猫粮为主食的猫。长期摄入水分不足很容易引致肾/尿路结石,而这一研究则告诉了我们,PUFA 是个很不错的手段来预防/延缓这类疾病的形成。当然了,想办法让猫摄入足够的水分才是最直接有效的办法。

怎么看猫粮产品中具体的 Omega-3 & 6 种类及其占比?

很遗憾,并不是所有品牌都会告诉消费者其产品所含具体的脂肪酸种类及其占比。不过,仍会有部分品牌在其产品页面提供详细的营养价值分析给消费者查阅。这里我们以 Ziwi 为例:


同样的,Wellness 以及 Holistic Select 等品牌也有类似的分析结果(请尽量访问它们的美国站点),但同样作为一线猫粮品牌的 Feline Natural (K9) 却没有提供详细的报告。



Adolphe, J. (2016). Essential fatty acids in pet food: Omega 3 & 6. Retrieved from https://www.petcurean.com/blog/omega-3-6/

Backus, R. C., Thomas, D. G., & Fritsche, K. L. (2013). Comparison of inferred fractions of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in feral domestic cat diets with those in commercial feline extruded diets. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 74(4), 589-597.

Hall, J. A., Brockman, J. A., Davidson, S. J., MacLeay, J. M., & Jewell, D. E. (2017). Increased dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids alter serum fatty acid concentrations and lower risk of urine stone formation in cats. PLoS One, 12(10).

Lenox, C. E., & Bauer, J. E. (2013). Potential adverse effects of omega-3 fatty acids in dogs and cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 27(2), 217-26.

National Research Council. (Ed.). (2006). Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats (Rev. ed.). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Zicker, S. C., Jewell, D. E., Milgram, N. W., & Yamka, R. M. (2012). Evaluation of cognitive learning, memory, psychomotor, immunologic, and retinal functions in healthy puppies fed foods fortified with docosahexaenoic acid-rich fish oil from 8 to 52 weeks of age. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 241(5), 583-594.
